位於巴爾幹半島西南部,冷戰時期和其他東歐國家一樣走社會主義。民主化和經濟改革之路走得相當艱辛,曾經經歷與塞爾維亞的民族衝突、科索沃戰爭和失業率過高等問題。近幾年已步上軌道,1998年到2008年之間GDP成長率維持在5%上下,2008年後趨緩。今年1月1日起擔任新一屆聯合國安理會非常任理事國,為期2年。首都裡有個建築物叫「台灣中心」(Kompleksi Taiwan),所以阿爾巴尼亞人很常說:「等下台灣見。」但其實是故意氣中國才這樣命名,並不是因為跟台灣友好啦。
Year Founded: 1912
Located in the southwest part of the Balkans, like other Eastern European countries, Albania was a socialist state during the Cold War. The state had a rough journey to democratization and economic reform and saw challenges like ethnic conflicts with Serbia, the Kosovo War and an exceedingly high unemployment rate. In recent years, Albania has been on the right track with a GDP growth rate of around 5% each year between 1998 and 2008 albeit its growth rate slowed down after 2008. Starting from January 1 this year, Albania will serve as a new non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for a term of two years. There is a building in the capital city called “Kompleksi Taiwan.” “See you in Taiwan” has become a common phrase among Albanians. It is said that Albanian people use this phrase to purposefully upset China as opposed to it being a friendly gesture toward Taiwan.