不要和赤道幾內亞搞混喔。位於西非,非洲最重要的河流們– 甘比亞河、尼日河、塞內加爾河,都發源於此。是世界上前五大鋁土礦生產國,也擁有豐富的鑽石和黃金礦藏。雖然自然資源豐富,仍是聯合國認定的最低度開發國家之一。2014年爆發嚴重的伊波拉疫情,至少造成2,500多人死亡。
Year Founded: 1958
Be careful not to confuse this state with the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. The Republic of Guinea is located in West Africa. The important rivers in Africa, such as the Gambia River, Niger River, and Senegal River, all originate here. Guinea is one of the five largest aluminum-producing countries in the world. It also has abundant diamonds and gold. Despite its abundant natural resources, it is considered one of the least developed countries by the United Nations. The Ebola outbreak in 2014 sadly claimed at least 2,500 Guinean lives.