東非的小型內陸國家,是聯合國所認定最低度開發國家之一,2020年人均GDP為全球最低,僅254美元︒ 1962年獨立以來,胡圖族和圖西族衝突頻繁,曾於1993年爆發嚴重種族衝突,內戰長達12年,至少30萬人喪命。
Year Founded: 1962
Burundi is a small land-locked state in East Africa. It is classified by the UN as one of the least developed countries in the world. Its GDP per capita in 2020 was the lowest in the world, at a mere USD254. The state has seen frequent conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes since its independence in 1962. A violent ethnic clash broke out in 1993, leading to a civil war of 12 years and a death toll of at least 300,000.