位於世界第二大島─紐幾內亞島東邊,和印尼的西巴布亞省黏在一起。全國由600多個島嶼組成,人口約870萬。因為當地原住民族眾多,國內有841 種現存語言,是全球語言最多元的國家。國內基礎建設不足,犯罪率和失業率偏高,人均GDP約2,700美元,是東亞和太平洋地區發展最緩慢的國家。但特別的是,由於地形破碎、雨量驚人,修路難度高過修機場,讓航空成為巴紐最重要的交通工具之一,全國擁有高達561座機場,平均每15,000人就有一座。
Year Founded: 1975
Sitting on the eastern part of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world, Papua New Guinea shares a border with West Papua Province of Indonesia. The entire nation consists of more than six hundred islands with a population of about 8.7 million. Because of the enormous number of the indigenous groups, there are 841 living languages in the country, making it the most linguistically diverse country in the world. With underdeveloped infrastructure, the state has a relatively high crime rate and unemployment. The GDP per capita is about US$2,700, making it the slowest developing country in East Asia and the Pacific region. Interestingly, because of its fragmented terrain and exceptional rainfall, building airports is much easier than roads. As a result, aviation has become one of the most important means of transportation in Papua New Guinea.