中亞國土面積最小的國家,但還是有台灣的四倍大,山地面積佔總面積93%。國內經濟表現不佳,人均GDP不到1,000 美元,是中亞地區最貧窮國家,因此有大量勞動人口赴海外工作賺錢,海外移工外匯收入約佔全國GDP26%。加入一帶一路後,外交上逐漸往中國靠攏,使得俄羅斯在該國的影響力日漸降低。2021年的邊境正逢多事之秋,與吉爾吉斯爆發邊境衝突,亦遭到崛起的塔利班侵擾。
Year Founded: 1991
Tajikistan is the smallest country by land area in Central Asia, but it is still four times bigger than Taiwan. Mountains cover 93% of the country’s land area. The state’s domestic economy performs poorly, with a GDP per capita of less than USD 1,000. As the most impoverished country in Central Asia, laborers leave the country in droves to seek job opportunities overseas. Money sent home by Tajik migrant workers from overseas contributes to about 26% of the National GDP. After Tajikistan signed onto the Belt and Road initiative, its diplomatic policies shifted toward China, weakening Russia’s influence in the country. In 2021, there have been many troubles along its borders like the clash with the Kyrgyz Republic and aggression by the expanding Taliban forces.