位於歐洲東北部,是波羅的海三國之一。第一個從蘇聯獨立出來的加盟國,也是現今最反共產主義的東歐國家之一。1990年恢復獨立後,積極與歐洲、美國等民主國家建立關係,並於2004年加入北約和歐盟。2021年主動宣布退出中國的「17+1合作」,認為該論壇「分裂歐盟」,並於一個月後捐贈2 萬劑COVID-19疫苗給台灣。
Year Founded: 1918
Lithuania is one of three Baltic states in Northeast Europe. It was the first Soviet republic to gain independence, and it is also one of the most anti-communism Eastern European countries. After it reclaimed its independence in 1990, the state committed to establishing ties with democracies likethe European countries and the United States. It also joined NATO and the European Union in 2004. In 2021, Lithuania pulled out of China’s “17+1” bloc, claiming that the forum is dividing Europe. A month later, the country donated 20,000 doses of covid vaccines to Taiwan.