葉門內戰於2014年正式開打,由伊斯蘭教遜尼派的哈迪 (Hadi) 政府軍,對上什葉派的武裝組織「胡塞運動」。葉門內戰又被視為中東代理人戰場。沙烏地阿拉伯支持哈迪政府,伊朗支持胡塞運動。也因為有這兩大伊斯蘭教國家的介入,使得葉門內戰停火之日遙遙無期。2019年,哈迪政府軍內部分裂,另外一群人出來組了南葉門分離軍,直到2022年才在沙烏地阿拉伯的調停下重組新內閣,整頓後再和胡塞運動和談。
2022年,葉門仍不時傳出攻擊事件。有時候是胡塞運動主動攻擊沙烏地阿拉伯聯軍,有時候是沙烏地阿拉伯對胡塞運動展開報復。葉門內戰至今已超過9年,期間不管因為轟炸、飢荒還是疫情,累積傷亡人數已高達37萬人,其中70%是不到5歲的兒童。沙烏地阿拉伯及阿聯 (UAE) 雖然宣布要安排30億美元援助葉門經濟,但葉門新內閣有沒有辦法好好運用這筆資金,仍是一個問號。
Year: 2014 to date
In 2010, a democratic movement, the Arab Spring, spread across the Arab world. The people of Yemen overthrew dictator/president Ali Abdullah Saleh, replacing him with Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi of the Sunni faction. Later, Shia militia Houthi launched attacks on the Hadi administration, starting the Yemeni Civil War in 2014.
The Yemeni Civil War is also regarded as a proxy war. With Saudi Arabia backing the Hadi administration and Iran behind the Houthis, the two big Islam powers continue to supply weapons and warriors, waging their own war in Yemen. A severe famine befell Yemen, putting half of the population at risk of hunger. The Yemeni Civil War is still an ongoing conflict.