西亞 West Asia
各位乘客,我們即將進入國際局勢最複雜的一個區域,過程中可能會有亂流,請繫好安全帶(欸不是)。 在這區域,有伊斯蘭遜尼派和什葉派的千年之辯;有美國以反恐、反獨裁為名發動的大小戰爭;有敘利亞、葉門打不完的內戰;有石油帶來的利益糾纏;有以色列和阿拉伯國家的恩怨情仇;有喬治亞和分離主義的拉扯;也有亞美尼亞和亞塞拜然的領土衝突。 歷史、石油、宗教、戰爭,這些種種,使你很難一句話總結西亞。 這裡是歐亞古文明的起點,這裡的戰火,就跟歷史一樣綿延。
We are about to enter one of the most complicated areas in terms of international dynamics.
This region has seen a dispute between Islamic Sunni and Shia sects which has lasted for over 1,000 years, big and small wars waged by the U.S. in the name of counter terrorism and dictatorship, ongoing civil wars in Syria and Yemen, entanglements spurred by the lust for oil profits, the feud and enmity between Israel and Arab countries, the tug of war between Georgia and separatist movement and the territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
West Asia is anything but a place that can be described in a nutshell.
This is the cradle of the ancient Eurasian civilizations and the history of conflicts is as old as these civilizations.