位於阿拉伯半島東北部的君主制國家。雖然領土面積比其他波灣國家還小,但科威特的已探明石油儲量估計占全球儲量6%。再加上大量的天然氣儲量,讓科威特成為全球最富有的國家之一,且這些統統都是國家資產。科威特政府將賣石油賺來的錢成立科威特投資局 (KIA),是全球最大的主權基金之一,所以金融業也是科威特發展重點。在美中對抗的國際局勢下,科威特同時擁有美國的軍事基地,也和中國簽訂多項一帶一路合作項目。特別的是,在波灣戰爭之前科威特算是比較親蘇聯的波灣國家。但這次爆發俄烏戰爭,科威特卻是唯一一個參與聯合國譴責俄羅斯入侵提案的阿拉伯國家。
看2022Year Founded: 1961
Kuwait is a constitutional monarchy situated in the northeast part of the Arabian Peninsula. In 1990, Kuwait was invaded by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, claiming that Kuwait is a province of Iraq. Some alleged that Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion because he coveted Kuwait's oil reserves. Kuwait's proven oil reserves rank about fifth in the world and their oil and natural gas industries together account for more than 90% of the government's income. The former Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, took a neutral approach to foreign policy and has been on good terms with Saudi Arabia, Iran and even Iraq, its former invader. This state is an important ally of the U.S. in the Arabian Peninsula and is committed to the stability and security of the Persian Gulf. Its GDP per capita ranks among the top 40 in the world.