位於阿拉伯半島西南端,目前仍在內戰中,是全球人道危機最嚴重的國家之一。人類發展指數為阿拉伯國家最低,是全球倒數第10名。葉門目前同時面臨著糧食短缺及水資源匱乏的問題,超過1,780萬人無法獲得安全用水,且遭受著嚴重飢餓。好消息是政府軍終於在2022年停火,並重組新內閣。這個新政府是由沙烏地阿拉伯和阿聯 (UAE) 支持,據點位於南部,所以相當程度滿足了內戰另一方胡塞運動(Houthi movement,又叫做青年運動)的要求。停火也成為美國和沙烏地阿拉伯的潤滑劑,拜登一改過去批評態度,讚揚沙烏地阿拉伯王儲薩爾曼(MBS)在停火協議中扮演的角色。但至截稿前胡塞運動仍未表明願意進行和平談判,葉門想回到過去和平的日子恐怕還要再等一會。
看2022Year Founded: 1990
Sitting on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen controls the passageway to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea and is only 30 km away from Djibouti, an East African state. A civil war broke out in Yemen in 2014, plunging the nation into a great famine and triggered a humanitarian crisis. It ranks as the second to the last on the Global Peace Index by Economist Intelligence Unit. Yemen relies on oil for its economic development. As ongoing conflicts over the years have disrupted oil production, the state's Human Development Index score is the lowest among Asian and Arab countries.