酷炫的是,2022年,萬那杜其中一座占地800英畝的私人島嶼被持有者打造成「世界加密貨幣之都」,又稱「中本聰島(Satoshi Island)」。根據經營團隊的說法,該島的土地持分將被鑄造成NFT,擁有NFT的人可以成為居民,未來島上的東西都只能用加密貨幣支付。截稿前已有5萬人申請,預計2023年開放入住。
Year Founded: 1980
A part of the Melanesian Islands, Vanuatu became independent from the UK and France in 1980. The country consists of more than 80 islands and 68 of which are inhabited. The root of its culture is inseparable from the forest. Vanuatu’s unique rite of passage –"land diving"– is said to be the origin of bungee jumping. A member of the British Commonwealth, a Vanuatu passport gives unlimited access to places like EU countries and the UK, and lowers the bar to apply for citizenship of other British Commonwealth countries. Vanuatu has become an attractive destination for investment migration. According to statistics, "passport sales" brought Vanuatu a revenue as high as NTD1.8 billion in the first half of 2020 and this is how the state managed to repay its construction debt it owed to China.