位於中美洲,是中美地峽上面積最大的國家。現任政府由前游擊隊領袖奧蒂嘉(Daniel Ortega)把持,作風獨裁,2021年第5度當選總統。與美國的關係在2022年嚴重惡化。在俄烏戰爭上,奧蒂嘉政權支持俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,並在聯合國投票上屢次力挺俄羅斯。除此之外,奧蒂嘉更在2022年簽訂一項法令,允許俄羅斯到尼加拉瓜境內部署軍隊,此舉震撼拉丁美洲,美國當局在奧蒂嘉強制關閉上百個非政府組織後宣布對尼加拉瓜祭出更嚴重的經濟制裁。尼加拉瓜在奧蒂嘉的帶領之下快速往獨裁專制走去,並成為俄羅斯和美國在拉丁美洲的角力戰場。
Year Founded: 1821
Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus. Nicaragua is known as the land of volcanoes. Not only can tourists walk to the rim of a volcanic crater to see lava, but they can also go volcano surfing. The industrial foundation is not very solid, with a GDP per capita of less than US$1,900. It ranks bottom on the Human Development Index in Central America and the Caribbean region. The current government is led by the left-wing Daniel Ortega, a leader of the Sandinista National Liberation Front. He maintains a good relationship with left-wing parties in Russia, Africa, and Latin America. In 2021, the US imposed sanctions on Nicaragua over the president's arrest of opposition political rivals.