2022年的熱帶氣旋造成重大破壞並導致超過70萬人流離失所,加上俄烏戰爭引發的糧食危機,至少有150萬人等待人道救援。不過也有好消息。2022年,莫三比克從世界銀行獲得 40 億美元救助金,預計用於減少貧困和創造就業機會的發展計劃。同時也和挪威、美國、法國簽訂夥伴關係,包含公共衛生和可再生能源等相關合作。極端武裝組織伊斯蘭國(IS)雖然仍存在於該國,但在莫三比克政府軍隊努力下,局勢已逐漸穩定。若成功將武裝勢力驅逐出境,莫三比克的天然氣資源可望有效被開發及運用,國家狀況或許會大幅改善。
看2022Year Founded: 1975
Mozambique is a country in East Africa and faces outward toward Madagascar across the Mozambique Channel. Classified by the UN as one of the least developed countries and a Heavily Indebted Poor Country, Mozambique is one of the most poverty-stricken countries in the world with a GDP per capita of a mere USD455 (in the bottom five in the world). The Islamic State occupies the coastal area because of the number of excellent harbors and has proclaimed one of the cities in the area as its new capital. Though once a Portuguese colony, in 1995, Mozambique joined the British Commonwealth as an exception and has remained a member state to this day.