位於加勒比地區,自1962年以來,美國的禁運使古巴損失至少1,500億美元,這還不包括COVID-19之後的經濟衝擊。也因為長期的禁運,許多古巴人都出現因缺乏營養而引發的健康問題,例如肥胖和糖尿病,遠遠超過由 COVID-19 引起的死亡率。2022年全球糧食危機和通貨膨脹使得古巴民生更加困難,許多古巴人往其他國家逃難,光是在美國就記錄到近幾年來最多的古巴難民人數。美國總統拜登於2022年陸續解除川普時期對古巴設下的限制,包含取消家庭匯款上限、增加領事服務,以及取消飛行限制。美國和古巴的關係可能會逐漸好轉。值得一提的是,2021年12月,古巴成為最新加入中國一帶一路倡議的國家。
Year Founded: 1959
Cuba sits between North and Central America in the Caribbean and is considered the “Key to the Gulf of Mexico.” In 1953, the Cuban Revolution broke out. The Castro brothers and Che Guevara overthrew the U.S.-backed dictatorship and established the only socialist country in the Americas, and Cuba has had a long and troubled relationship with the US since. Due to long-term economic sanctions by the US, Cuba is a country frozen in time and people are stuck in poverty. However, Cuba has a sound medical system and Cuban doctors are active all over the world, resulting in the unique Cuban medical diplomacy. Cuba is poised to enter the post-Castro era with Raul Castro's retirement in April 2021.