位於南歐地區,國土面積比台灣小一些,但人均GDP表現不俗,在巴爾幹地區當中位居第一。經濟雖也受到全球石油價格上漲影響,但國內民生和政局相對穩定。在俄烏戰爭中堅定支持烏克蘭,並不設條件地提供烏克蘭難民臨時保護身分,已有數萬名烏克蘭人進入該國避難。2022年成立新的聯合政府,持續以歐盟為外交核心,並承諾將在2030年前實現國防預算達到GDP 2%的北約規定,以應對俄羅斯的武力威脅。該國外交部長曾表示會加強與台灣的關係,雙方於2022年宣布互設貿易辦事處。國內的Kurentovanje狂歡節是世界上10個最有趣的狂歡節之一,據說2024年將會在2月中舉辦,有安排歐洲之旅的可以考慮看看唷!
Year Founded: 1991
Located in southern Europe, Slovenia was once a part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and was also the richest among the six states of the federation. When it declared its independence, Yugoslavia even sent troops to prevent the attempt, but retreated in ten days. Half of its territory is covered by forest, with a forest coverage rate ranking the fourth among European countries right after Finland and Sweden. It is the top-ranking country among the transition economies in Eastern Europe with a GDP per capita as high as US$25,000 in 2020 and a high-level 25th ranking on the Human Development Index. It is also a country that has cultivated many tennis and NBA star players.