位於東加勒比海向風群島最南端,面積約1.2個台北市。世界四大香料島國之一,又被稱為「香料島」。擁有熱帶雨林、瀑布和白色沙灘,並且是加勒比地區犯罪率最低的地方之一。2022年格瑞那達迎來新任總理,由44歲的中左派政治素人迪肯·米切爾(Dickon Mitchell)打敗了尋求第6個任期的前總理。迪肯·米切爾承諾改善醫療保健、減少失業和貧困、建造社會住宅並促進教育。特別值得一提的是,格瑞那達在2021年底聘請中國裔的區塊鏈創業家孫宇晨作為WTO代表。孫宇晨認為格瑞那達過度依賴多邊貿易體系,實施電子商務和數位經濟將可以緩解該國的通膨問題。他亦表示,這是薩爾瓦多將比特幣法幣化給他的靈感。
Year Founded: 1974
Grenada is a small island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea. It is about 1.2 times bigger than Taipei and has a population of about 120,000. Grenada is also known as the “Island of Spice” due to its nutmeg and mace crops. The Flag of Grenada even has nutmeg on it. Grenada was formed by a volcano, creating a diverse landscape of rainforests, waterfalls, mountains, and coral reefs.
China is helping Grenada draft a national development strategy at the request of its government. If they accept, they will be the first country to adopt China’s development plan.