台灣邦交國之一,台灣簡稱克國或聖克,英文名字常被寫為St. Kitts and Nevis。該國於獨立後隔年(1984)啟動了世界上歷史最悠久的投資入籍計劃(CBI),遠遠早於周邊其他國家。而這個計畫也相當成功,根據該國政府的報告,2020年聖克有多達 40% 的收入來自 CBI 計劃。除此之外,CBI也吸引大筆資金投入飯店業,為該國的旅遊業做出貢獻。但是也有人批評CBI缺乏透明度和財務問責制,除了政府外,民眾並不知道CBI真正帶進的資金數字,以及這些錢被用在哪裡。有些申請人甚至在他投資的房子蓋好前就先拿到護照,以至於有許多建築物蓋到一半就停工了。若聖克政府持續讓投資移民數字擴大,未來恐怕會有不可預期的副作用。
Year Founded: 1983
Saint Kitts and Nevis is located in the Leeward Islands chain of the Lesser Antilles. The population is only around 52,000. During the British colonial period, sugarcane was a booming business. It is dependent on tourism and offshore finance to drive its economy, and selling citizenships is still a big source of revenue. As the country is a Commonwealth realm, its passport allows visa-free travel to more than 130 countries and territories worldwide. Many Iranians and Chinese trying to evade sanctions or taxes immigrate to Saint Kitts. It is one of Taiwan's diplomatic allies and supported Taiwan's participation in WHA in 2021.