由607個島嶼組成的國家,位於太平洋的密克羅尼西亞島群。二戰後由美國託管,並在結束託管後和美國簽訂了《自由聯合協定》。該項條約將於近年到期,美國於2022年積極拜訪該國,希望可以盡快完成續約,一方面繼續強化在太平洋區域的掌握度,二方面防止中國勢力擴張。和其他太平洋國家一樣,密克羅尼西亞聯邦同樣對於索羅門群島和中國簽訂的安全協議感到擔憂。2021年因為不滿太平洋島國論壇 (Pacific Islands Forum) 未遵守原則,由密克羅尼西亞人擔任輪值秘書長,憤而宣布退出論壇,馬紹爾群島和帛琉也宣布跟進。後來這項決議被延遲,太平洋島國論壇的團結力倍受考驗。
Year Founded: 1986
The Micronesian archipelago in the Pacific was placed under U.S. administration after World War II. After Palau and the Marshall Islands declared independence from the archipelago in 1979, the remaining 607 islands formed the Federated States of Micronesia in 1986 and signed the Compact of Free Association with the U.S. According to the Compact, citizens of the Federated States may freely enter and work in the U.S. or even join the U.S. military service (the U.S. is responsible for the national defense of Micronesia), and they rely on the U.S. for financial assistance as well. The Compact will end in 2024.
In 2021, the World Bank led the East Micronesia Cable project which connects to the submarine cables in Guam. The project accidentally made Micronesia the wrestling ground for various enterprises in China and Western countries.