另外東帝汶於2022年選出最新總統,是1996年諾貝爾和平獎得主歐爾塔(Jose Ramos-Horta)。2022年,東帝汶的人均GDP仍是東南亞最低的國家之一,期盼歐爾塔可以成功帶領國家前進。
Year Founded: 2002
Located in the right half of the Timor Island in Southeast Asia, the western territory of East Timor's border is connected to West Timor of Indonesia. It was first colonized by Portugal and later Japan. In 1975, just as a referendum validated its independence from Portugal, Indonesia sent out troops to occupy East Timor, leading to a war for independence which lasted for more than two decades. Administration of the state was taken over by the United Nations in 1999. It wasn’t until 2002 that the state was officially founded, making it the youngest country in Asia. Due to the long-term conflicts, its GDP per capita in 2020 is only US$1,360, the lowest in Southeast Asia. We hope that its economy will gradually improve after reaching political stability.