位於中美洲,擁有 700 多個島嶼和珊瑚礁,從離美國最近的島嶼算起的話,距離佛羅里達海岸僅80公里,因此成為美國遊客最常造訪的加勒比國家之一。2019年多利安颶風席捲巴哈馬,造成的損失相當全國四分之一的GDP。2020年又遇上COVID-19,導致整年經濟衰退14.5%。不過到2022年,巴哈馬人均GDP可望回到3萬美元,只比台灣低一點。近10年來,中國也在巴哈馬進行了多項投資,包含國家體育館、港口、高速公路,甚至是高級度假村。巴哈馬在外交上仍偏向美國多一些,但政府單位也積極向中國招商,希望獲得更多中國投資人青睞。
Year Founded: 1973
The Bahamas is in the West Indies. It is one of the wealthiest countries in the Caribbean Sea. It has a population of less than 500,000. Its GDP per capita is similar to that of Taiwan, which is among the highest in the western hemisphere, only behind that of the US and Canada. Tourism and finance are the primary sources of income for the Bahamas. In recent years, several oil companies have arrived in the Bahamas to explore oil reserves, but in 2021, it was announced that there would be no commercial oil production. The oil wells were permanently sealed and abandoned. In 2020, The Bahamas became the first country to have a Central Bank Digital Currency.