(簡介文字第一句)普遍認知中,澳洲是由6個州、加上“北領地”和“首都領地”組成。但其實澳洲在海外還有一些容易被遺忘的領地如:聖誕島(Christmas Island)、科科斯(基林)群島(Cocos or Keeling Islands)、杰維斯海灣領地(Jervis Bay Territory)、珊瑚海群島(Coral Sea Islands)、甚至還有一部分的南極洲,若是把這些容易被遺忘的領地加進來就會是10個領地。
由6個州和10個領地組成的聯邦國家。2022年新總理艾班尼斯(Anthony Albanese)上任,外交上延續抗中路線,並主動和法國就AUKUS和潛艇訂單事件握手言和,積極參與國際組織例如AUKUS、QUAD和北約(受邀參加峰會)。受到中國和索羅門群島秘密協議刺激,澳洲在2022年也和美、日、英、紐一起組成藍色太平洋夥伴關係(PBP),重新把外交重點放回太平洋島國,避免中國勢力繼續滲透。是全球對抗COVID-19成效最佳的國家之一,經濟影響不大,2022年的人均GDP預估來到67,000美元,比疫情前的54,000美元還高。
Year Founded: 1901
Australia is a country comprising six states and ten territories. Canberra is its capital. The incumbent prime minister, Scott Morrison, strongly supports the United States' counter-China policy. After taking office in 2018, he has confronted China on various fronts and tried to help Taiwan save its diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands but to no avail due to China's financial aid diplomacy. Australia is a member of the Five Eyes and QUAD. It is an important ally of the United States in the Indo-Pacific region. The state has been devastated by extreme weather in recent years, facing frequent natural disasters like forest fires and tropical cyclones.