看2022拉丁美洲地域大國,是聯合國、WTO、南美洲國家聯盟等多個國際組織的創始會員國。雖然是拉美第二大經濟體,但在2001年因政策不當,導致阿根廷陷入前所未有的經濟危機,至今仍積欠國家貨幣基金IMF將近450億美元, 時常拖欠外債。2020年的疫情使得這個拉美大國經濟更加倒退,恐怕會宣告破產。足球大國,包含已故球王馬拉度納和現役球員梅西皆是阿根廷國家隊明星球員。
Year Founded: 1816
Argentina is a large country in Latin America and it is also a founding member of many international organizations such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and Union of South American Nations. Although Argentina has the second-largest economy in South America, Argentina greatly suffered from an economic crisis which began in 2001, partly due to inappropriate policies, causing a default on the country's foreign debt, and the country is still renegotiating the $45 billion debt it owes to the IMF. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been significant in Argentina, causing a large retraction of its economy. The most popular sport is football. The late Diego Maradona and the current player Lionel Messi from Argentina are among the best players in the game's history.