看2022位於中美洲的島國,屬背風群島的一部份。面積大約是1.6個台北市大,但人口只有十萬出頭,而且國防軍只有180人,是世界上最小的國家軍事部隊。經濟仰賴旅遊業, 人均GDP表現不俗, 排名全球前60名。近年以犯罪率低、超級遊艇,以及300多個白色沙灘為賣點,廣推投資移民護照,標榜在該國投資20萬美元以上的房地產就可以申請投資公民, 剛好就是一棟別墅的價格。
Year Founded: 1981
Antigua and Barbuda is an island country in the West Indies and is part of the Leeward Islands. It is 1.6 times the size of Taipei, but the population is only around 100,000. It has one of the world's smallest militaries. Its economy is highly dependent on tourism. Its GDP per capita is ranked in the top 60. In recent years, the country has been promoting investment immigration. It boasts of low crime rates, luxury yachts, and more than 300 white sand beaches. They sell citizenships at the price of a villa, which is around US$200,000.