位於歐洲西北部的君主立憲王國。由四塊領土組成,包含佔王國面積98%的荷蘭本土,以及另外三塊位於加勒比海的島國。人均GDP高達5.2萬美元,是《世界幸福報告》前五名的已開發國家。於2020年起正式從Holland更名為Netherlands 但中文譯名不變依舊稱為荷蘭。其重要城市海牙擁有五個國際性法庭,歐洲刑警組織亦設於此,使得海牙又被稱為「國際司法之都」。國家代表色為橘色。
Year Founded: 1581
The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy in Northwestern Europe. The kingdom is constituted of four parts, including the Netherlands which accounts for 98% of its territory and three other island constituent countries in the Caribbean. Its GDP per capita is as high as US$52,000, making the Netherlands one of the top five developed countries according to the World Happiness Report. In 2020, the country officially switched its name from Holland to The Netherlands, but the Chinese translation of its name has stayed the same. The Hague, one of its major cities, hosts five international courts, as well as Europol, and thus is also referred to as the “International City of Peace and Justice.”