非洲之角不是一個國家,而是一整塊區域,位於非洲東北邊,因長的像犀牛角而得名。今日包含吉布地、衣索比亞、厄利垂亞和索馬利亞等國家 ,也有人把肯亞和蘇丹列在廣義的非洲之角當中。非洲之角是聯絡印度洋、紅海、地中海的海上要衝,戰略意義重大,故美國、俄羅斯和中國等大國皆在此設有軍事基地。
該區域有著各國內戰衝突、海盜肆虐,近年來更成為恐怖組織的再生基地,也是西方各國的反恐重點。除了人禍,2020 年亦遭遇許多自然災害,例如蝗禍︑旱災或洪災。是世界上營養不良最嚴重的地區。
The Horn of Africa is not a country but a region. It lies in Northeast Africa and was given this name because it’s shaped like a rhino horn. The area consists of the countries of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. Sometimes Kenya and Sudan are also included in the greater region of the Horn of Africa. The Horn of Africa is a maritime hub connecting the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Given this strategic significance, great powers like the U.S., Russia and China have all set up military bases in this region.
The area is plagued by civil wars and rampant pirate attacks. In recent years, it has even become a recuperation den for terrorist organizations and therefore has been targeted by Western countries as the primary region to counter terrorism. In addition to man-made disasters, in 2020, the Horn of Africa was also devastated by many natural disasters such as a locust plague, drought, and flooding. It is also the area that suffers from the worst rate of malnutrition in the world.