


皇室 / こうしつ



今上天皇 德仁,62歲
皇后 雅子,59歲
內親王 愛子,21歲

根據日本神話,第一代天皇神武天皇是西元前660 年即位,從那之後血脈相傳至今,是全世界傳承最久,也是在位歷史最悠久的皇室家族。1868 年日本推動明治維新,天皇取回實權,日本走向軍國主義之路。二戰結束後,在戰勝國的壓力下日本取消天皇原有的權力,目前為象徵性元首。


Title and age:

Current Emperor Naruhito, 62 years old

Empress Masako, 59 years old

Aiko, Princess Toshi, age 21

and 15 other members

According to Japanese mythology, the first Emperor Jimmu, ascended the throne in 660 BC. Since then, the bloodline has lasted to this day. It is the longest reigning and oldest royal family in the world. 

In 1868, the country launched the Meiji Restoration and the emperor reclaimed ruling power. Since then, Japan has taken the path of militarism. After the end of World War II, under the pressure of the victorious nations, the power once held by the emperor was removed and the emperor is currently a figurehead. The imperial family has no surname and no right to vote and is not subject to Japan’s Family Registration Law. Imperial Household Law is a statute designed to govern the operation of the imperial household. For the time being, the male heir to the throne is Naruhito’s nephew, Prince Hisahito of Akishino, but there are sentiments from the civil society and political circle supporting Princess Toshi’s succession to the throne. However, doing so requires the Government of Japan to amend the law. 


