● 敘利亞政府
● 反政府軍
2011年阿拉伯之春後,敘利亞國內的遜尼派武裝組織發起反政府運動,希望推翻什葉派的阿薩德政府。敘利亞內戰是中東最激烈的代理人戰場之一。俄羅斯為了掌握敘利亞靠地中海的軍事基地,選擇支持阿薩德政府。伊朗則出於什葉派新月帶的戰略考量,亦支援阿薩德。與反政府軍站在同一陣線的有美國、沙烏地阿拉伯、土耳其,以及敘利亞庫德族。敘利亞內戰打了10 年,死亡人數超過38 萬人,另外有20 多萬人失蹤。戰火仍綿延著。
Date: 2011 to date
In the wake of the Arab Spring in 2011, the armed opposition Sunni rebel groups rose to overthrow the Shia-led Assad regime. Syria has become one of the most contested theaters of proxy war in the Middle East. To control Syrian military camps close to the Mediterranean Sea, Russia backed the Assad regime. Out of strategic concern for the Shia Crescent, Iran also chose to back Assad. Taking sides with the rebel groups are the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Syrian Kurds. The civil war has lasted over a decade, leaving behind a death toll exceeding 380,000 and more than 200,000 missing. The war continues to rage on.