

大洋洲及太平洋三大島群 Oceania and Pacific Islands

#太平洋島國論壇 #二戰 #哈卡舞 #環礁 #南島民族 #海平面上升 #PacificIslandsForum #WorldWarII #Haka #AtollReef #AustronesianPeoples #SeaLevelRise



● 密克羅尼西亞島群- 鄰近東亞,有很多面積狹小的島國,例如帛琉、諾魯。
● 美拉尼西亞島群- 鄰近澳洲,與澳洲關係密切。
● 玻里尼西亞島群- 最接近太平洋中心,分布最廣,島嶼數量最多。


Before we shift our gaze to South Asia, let’s travel to the east to learn more about Taiwan’s diplomatic allies in Oceania and the Pacific. 

In addition to Australia and New Zealand, there are three other major island groups in the Pacific:

  • Micronesia: Close to East Asia. There are many small island countries in this region, such as Palau and Nauru. 
  • Melanesia: Close to Australia. There is a close tie between this region and Australia. 
  • Polynesia: Closest to the center of the Pacific Ocean. The region has the widest span and the largest number of islands. 

There are many small island countries in the three island groups, and they all boast of rich indigenous cultures and marine resources. They all share the same challenges. The first is the shortage of fresh water and these countries can only rely on rainwater for survival. The second is their dependence on big powers’ funding. The funding mostly comes from Australia, the United States and China. The third challenge is the crisis of sinking under rising sea levels due to global warming. 

Taiwan has four diplomatic allies in the Pacific Islands. They are the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau and Tuvalu. 

(Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia are the geographical names used by the United Nations, but Pacific Islanders do not call themselves by this, and it is said that they do not like others calling them by these names.)


