印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉三個國家本來是包在一起稱為英屬印度。二戰後,英國雖取得勝利,卻已疲憊不堪,無法再管理這麼大一塊殖民地,於是決定讓他們各自獨立。但英國不知道怎麼分比較好,裡頭的印度教徒和伊斯蘭教徒又各有各的想法,最後英國乾脆一刀切,印度教人口多的這邊一個國家( 印度),伊斯蘭教這邊一個國家( 巴基斯坦)。但並不是同一塊土地上通通都是同個宗教的人,所以那些被劃分到印度的穆斯林,或是不願離開巴基斯坦的印度教徒們,不是被強制遷離,就是成了難民。印巴分治最後引發兩教徒之間的暴動和大屠殺,接連在喀什米爾地區爆發三次印巴戰爭,至少50 萬人死亡。最後更導致東巴基斯坦獨立成為孟加拉國。
印度和巴基斯坦明明是鄰居,卻在印巴分治後嚴重敵視彼此,雙方都在1990 年代末期進行了核子試爆,差點引發全球危機。印巴兩國至今仍會在喀什米爾地區發生武裝衝突,在美中衝突升溫後,亦各自成了美國和中國的南亞代理人。
Year: 1947
India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh used to be one nation known as the British Raj. After winning World War II, however, the UK was exhausted and could no longer manage such a large colony, so it was decided to allow them to become independent. However, the UK didn’t know how to split the area, and the Hindus and Muslims each had different ideas. Eventually, the UK decided that the area with a majority of Hindus should be partitioned into one country (India), and the Muslims into one country (Pakistan). But not everyone in the same area was of the same religion, so Muslims that resided in the area that became India, or the Hindus who wouldn’t leave Pakistan were either evacuated or became refugees. The Partitioning of India eventually gave rise to riots between the two religions and massacres, leading to three Indo-Pakistani Wars in Kashmir and 500,000 deaths. Finally, it resulted in east Pakistan claiming independence as Bangladesh.
India and Pakistan are neighbors, but they became rivals after the Partitioning of India, and the nuclear bomb tests both parties performed at the end of 1990s almost became a world crisis. India and Pakistan still engage in armed conflict in Kashmir to this day, and as conflict has escalated between China and the U.S., they have become proxies of the U.S. and China respectively.