


#維京文化 #高社會福利 #幸福 #混和經濟 #極高人類發展 #波羅的海 #北極海 #VikingCulture #ExtensiveSocialWelfare #Happiness #MixedEconomy #AdvancedHumanDevelopment #BalticSea #ArcticSea




We are about to enter a region featuring a rich history of navigation, magnificent glaciers and lakes and one which is known for elegant and minimalistic design brands. Traditionally, textbooks of Taiwan only list five countries in this region. However, UN M49 (Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use) also assigns three Baltic States, the United Kingdom and Ireland, to Northern Europe. Want to give Northern Europe a label? “The immaculate model region” would probably do. The top five countries in the UN World Happiness Report are all Northern European countries and the Nordic states took up half of the places among the top 15 states on the Human Development Index. Be it economic development, human rights, social welfare, or environmental protection, Nordic countries come second to none. 

However, this does not mean that Northern Europe is an Eden. Heavy taxation supports stellar social welfare programs, but also keeps investors and businesses at arm’s length. Some people are also upset by the fact that refugees keep coming from the south to take advantage of their generous social welfare system. The rise of far-right or populism groups and the inefficiency of coalition governments are the primary issues that Nordic countries have to deal with. 


