成立時間/ 1995年
成員數量/ 164個成員國
總幹事(國籍)/ 恩戈齊·奧孔約-伊衞拉 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala(奈及利亞)
任期/ 2021.3.1至2025.8.31
台灣身分/ 2002年以「台澎金馬個別關稅領域」正式加入
Year of Establishment: 1995
Taiwan status: officially joined the WTO as the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu in 2002
As one of the most important international economic organizations, one of the main functions of the WTO is resolving trade disputes between member states and facilitating global free trade. The accession threshold requirements include concessions on import tariffs or opening up access to certain trade in services. This also means that accession to the WTO guarantees access to tariff concessions made by other countries. This is crucial to export-oriented Taiwan. The WTO is one of the very few international organizations in which Taiwan is a full member state.
However, in recent years, due to changing international dynamics, regional economic organizations and free trade agreements have gradually chipped away at the WTO’s role, which is now mostly only associated with some trade litigation.